Celebrate World Ocean Day June 8!
Congrats to the 2020 Sea Cleanse Winner!
New IO Chapter at San Diego State University Launches Sea Cleanse September with Cleanup & Contest
World Ocean Day—Breaking Down Rocks of Indifference
Time to Take It Slow
"The Common Good of the Seas" -- a Catholic plan for caring for the oceans and its vulnera
Compelling Counsel for World Fisheries Day--The Holy See Leads with Guidance on Needed Ocean Actions
Take Advantage of These Powerful Faith Teaching Resources for Earth Week
Start 2019 With Blessings and Actions--Things You Can Do for the OCEAN
Organize Your Coastal Cleanup for September 18, 2018 -- International Coastal Cleanup Day!
Honor World Oceans Day with Your Faith Community--June 8, 2018!
Governors and Interfaith Oceans Oppose Opening Up 47 Coastal Oil and Mining Leases
"Blessing of the Waters" Helps Support Marine Monument—Now in Danger!
Interfaith Oceans Conducts Survey on Joint Efforts of Religious Believers and Scientists
Interfaith Oceans Presents Testimony to Vatican Ocean Conference
Dr. Nigel Crawhall is an Engaged Buddhist Working on Ocean Issues
Rev. Dr. Margaret Bullitt-Jonas Speaks on Restoring the Oceans
Interfaith Oceans Presents a Panel on Oceans at UN Climate Talks at Marakesh