Rev. Dr. Margaret Bullitt-Jonas is an Episcopal priest, author, and retreat leader who serves as Missioner for Creation Care for both the Episcopal Diocese of Western Massachusetts and Massachusetts Conference of the United Church of Christ. As an activist for creation care, she explains why the oceans are vital in renewing our planet: "Restoring the oceans and ensuring that they team with life is essential to maintaining human survival on this planet. I look forward to the day when human societies live wisely and sustainably, averting climate catastrophe and protecting the web of life on land and sea. On that day, as the prophet says, '...the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD as the waters cover the sea' (Habakkuk 2:14).'" Rev. Margaret offers encouragement and guidance on creation care topics through articles, sermons, and more on her website, www.RevivingCreation.org, which she calls a place "to rest and reflect, to learn and find encouragement."