Christian Resources
In fact, of all people, Christians should be
the most concerned for the environment.
... Christians know God created the world,
and we are only its stewards or trustees....
When we see the world as a gift from God,
we will do our best to take care of it and use it wisely,
instead of poisoning or destroying it.

There many, many different Christian environmental organizations working on caring for God's earthly creations and the poor. Here is a sampling:
A Rocha International: Christian hope and Conservation--marine division, working on restoration and an action campaign against plastic trash and microplastics
Church teachings on ocean theology
Creation Justice Ministries: this organization is the combined effort of many Christian denominations.
It has worked to help preserve marine reserves and build ocean-faith awareness. It created this Church handout: "SOS: Sacred Oceans, Seas"
Blessed Earth inspiring faithful stewardship of all creation
Green the Church -- the movement of greening of African American and other churches

Other Resources
There are many excellent resources available from every congregation and organization. This is just a sampling.

Dr Robert Sluka’s booklet Hope for the Ocean: Maine Conservation, Poverty Allieviation and Blessing of the Nations provides an understanding of the links between faith, the suffering of the poor, and marine conservation for a more hopeful, blessed future. It is available through Grove Books.

The Green Bible has green type to highlight the extensive passages throughout the Scriptures that emphasize caring for each other and the land.
When Heaven Meets Earth is a movie that tells the story about how studying the Bible changed the perspectives of the watermen and their wives on Tangier Island toward catch limits to care for the fish that are their livelihood because of God's command to care. This change in view changed their lives in many other transformative ways.

Serving God, Saving the Planet. this tells of an emergency physician's awakening to the call of taking care of the earth to take care of his patients and himself. He finds that following the Bible and simplifying his life leads to a more joyful, healthy life.

24/6: A Prescription for a Healthier Happier Life-- this book tells how following the Scriptural mandate for a a day of Sabbath rest is the spiritual and ecological solution to our overworked psyches and bodies. Other great Blessed Earth books include Go Green, Save Green and It's Easy Being Green. Check out all their titles.