
Marybeth Lorbiecki
Co-Founder Interfaith Oceans
Lorbiecki writes and presents on the intersection of faith and ecology, from an interfaith and Christian perspective, having particular expertise in the Catholic teachings and approach.
She is a member of the National Religious Coalition on Creation Care (NRCCC) and has researched and written Following St. Francis: John Paul II's Call for Ecological Action (Rizzoli Ex Libris, 2014) and A Fierce Green Fire: Aldo Leopold's Life and Legacy (Oxford University Press, 2016), among other books for adults and children (www.marybethlorbiecki.com). She has provided testimony to the United Nations and served as a consultant on ocean issues and ecotheology for the Pontifical Council of Justice and Peace.
A respected and enthusiastic speaker, she has presented to varied audiences nationally and internationally, including delivering the President's Lecture at Mount Mercy University and speaking at the International Conference on Religion and Spirituality in Society. (For more information, see: www.marybethlorbieckispeaking.weebly.com .)
She can be contacted for speaking engagements at interfaithoceans [at sign] gmail.com
Mini MBA in Nonprofit Leadership, Executive Education Program, University of St. Thomas
International Rotarian Scholar, post graduate-philosophy, University of Essex, Colchester, UK
MA, English and Literature, University of Minnesota-Mankato, Mankato MN
BA, English, concentrations in journalism and theology, College of St. Catherine, St. Paul, MN

David Krantz
Co-Founder Interfaith Oceans
President, Aytzim: Ecological Judaism
Krantz presents on the intersection of faith and ecology from an interfaith and Jewish perspective.
He is a member of the National Religious Coalition on Creation Care (NRCCC) and a National Science Foundation IGERT Fellow and a Wrigley Fellow researching faith-based environmentalism and solar-energy policy at Arizona State University's School of Sustainability. Krantz is a co-founder, president and chairperson of Aytzim: Ecological Judaism, the parent organization of Jewcology, the Green Zionist Alliance: The Grassroots Campaign for a Sustainable Israel, and EcoJews of the Bay. Together with GreenFaith, he formed the program Shomrei Breishit: Rabbis and Cantors for the Earth. He is also the editor of the Jewish Energy Guide.
He speaks eloquently and practically on the issues facing the oceans and the cause of faith and justice to respond with ecological solutions and interfaith efforts. He has presented on three continents, and most recently in Cork, Ireland at the conference on "Religion/Water/Climate and the Changing Cultures and Landscapes" by the International Society of the Study of religion, Nature, and Culture" (ISSRNC) in June 2019.
He can be reached for speaking engagements at: info [at sign] aytzim [dot] org .
MA, Judaic Studies, New York University
MPA, Public and Nonprofit Management and Policy, Specializing in Public-Policy Analysis with a Focus on Environmental and Food Policy, New York University
MJ, Journalism, University of California-Berkeley
BA, Hebraic Studies, Rutgers University
BA, Journalism and Mass Media, Rutgers University