Interfaith Resources for Care of Creation
If we were logical, the future would be bleak, indeed.
But we are more than logical.
We are human beings, and we have faith,
and we have hope, and we can work.
Jacques Yves Cousteau
Get involved in care of creation and oceans in your faith community!

Here are active organizations to do so:
Interfaith Partners for the Chesapeake brings many different faith and spiritual partners together to care for the waters, lands, species, and full communities of the Bay. They are the model for what multifaith communities can accomplish together with educational awareness, advocacy, restoration, and reaffirmation of hope and compassionate action. Visit their site to be inspired and get involved -- there or in your own community!
Alliance of Religions and Conservation (ARC) was started by Prince Phillip calling together religious leaders of the world at Assisi, Italy (the home of St. Francis), to see what they could do together to care for God's creation and people. ARC provides a summary of the care of creation teachings of 12 major religions along with many worldwide initiatives.
- Blessed Tomorrow: Caring for Creation Today--Empowering Faith Leaders to Act on Climate Change
Center for Earth Ethics seeks to cultivate conversation, consciousness, and action toward a world where value is measured by the sustained well-being of all people and the planet.
Green Faith is dedicated to inspiring, educating, and mobilizing people of diverse religious backgrounds for environmental leadership.
Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development includes the Faith Inspired Energy Project and the Seminary Faith and Ecology Project.
Interfaith Power and Light (IPL)--A Religious Response to Global Warming. This organization provides congregational and worship resources. Find your state chapter to get involved.
National Religious Coalition on Creation Care is a gathering of leaders of diverse religious background dedicated to caring for God's gifts in nature, including the Religious Campaign for Forest Conservation, the Religious Campaign for Wilderness, Interfaith Oceans, and other programs.
National Religious Partnership for the Environment is a coalition of numerous religious organizations, including the US Conference of Catholic Bishops and its program for Environmental Justice and the Catholic Climate Covenant; the Church of Christ and many affiliated groups, including its Creation Justice Ministries; Evangelical Environmental Network, which includes 23 different Christian organizations and institutions; and the Jewish Center for Public Policy and its extensive Jewish affiliates and the Coalition on the Environment and Jewish Life.